Are you getting caught up in the daily doing?



When you’re running your own business you might have a great boss or you might have a terrible boss 😉    I know – it can be funny but there’s also a serious side to this.  As a self-employed business owner, I’ve been both!

I know when I first went self-employed I used to find I was great in certain areas of business and not so good at all in others.  I’d let myself off the hook for things and wasn’t exactly brilliant at self-accountability.  And who was going to tell me off?  Who would help me?

It’s why most business owners find it quite a lonely place to be.  You can let things slip and before you know it your goals have slipped through your fingers.

And you definitely don’t want to look weak to your team or your clients.  So what happens?

Too often people get so caught up in the daily ‘doing’ and lose sight of their original vision.

Hmm, it’s not quite how we thought it was going to be.

That’s why we share some of our best resources EVERY QUARTER – and it’s almost time again.


A really simple quote that I’m drawn to again and again is “If time flies, remember you’re the pilot”.  My mentor, Bob Patmore always used to say I was great at TFA – ‘try, fail, adjust’.  Keep doing that and you’re on a winner.  I’ve never been scared to try something and fail at it.  I think I’ve failed at a ton of stuff over the decades . . . but it’s not really failure if you’ve learned something and can adjust your course.


Is it time for a course correction for you?

If you’re the pilot – are you on track or do you need to make some adjustments to make the most of this quarter?

You know we give away some of our best content.  

The trouble is most people are full of good intentions but don’t get around to doing anything with the downloads we offer.

THAT’S WHY WE WALK YOU THROUGH THEM – completely free of charge – every quarter.  

REGISTER now for the 5-DAY CHALLENGE (see Next Steps 1 – below and Part 3 – link).

Join us and find out how to get the best out of:

  • yourself (your goals, your time, and your financials)
  • your business (marketing, sales and delivery – bringing in the business)
  • your strategy for stabilising/strengthening and/or growing/scaling things

With the simplest plain English tools and resources that work.

Next Steps:

  1. Register to join us on the upcoming 4-8th September 5-DAY TIME & GOALS CHALLENGE – just 20-30 minutes a day to see how to consistently achieve your goals and master your time.  I promise you – the rewards will last way beyond the 5 days. 

    And yes – you’ll get more from it if you join us ‘live’ – including additional support.  AND you’ll be able to access replays . . . we’re committed to helping you.  Share our links freely.  The more people we can help the better.  No charge.
  2. Follow me – Mary –  on LinkedIn.  Each week I share ONE SIMPLE RESOURCE you can implement to improve your life and business. 
  3. Want more info/help?  Talk to me in the free facebook group (see intro) or join us inside the membership – remember there’s no time commitment and in 4 months you’ll go through the whole cycle and see why people stay.  And you can decide to love it or leave it. 

    The most affordable coaching programme, resources and support to help you really make the change you’re looking for.


If you already have a presence on other platforms besides LinkedIn, use it to your advantage. 

And what I mean by that is, use it to cross-promote yourself. 

For example, you could let people know about your blog in a LinkedIn post. 

Or, tell them to follow you on Instagram. 

You get the idea. 

That’s what Jessie van Breugel did in a post a few days ago. 

In this case, he shared about his YouTube channel:

Now, the trick here is not to simply tell people to go follow you somewhere else. 

There’s 2 things you need to take into account:

1) You have to make it easy for them. 

2) You have to give them a clear reason to do it.  

In Jessie’s case, he made it easy by adding the link to his YouTube channel directly to his LinkedIn post. 

And, he gave them a clear reason by explaining what value he shares in the videos he uploads. 

So, how could you do this but for the platforms you’re in?

However you do it, don’t sleep on it. Because it’s such an easy way to transfer your followers from one place to the other.


EG:  One of our most difficult things when it comes to posting regularly on LinkedIn is coming up with consistent ideas for content and what content works best for your business. 

We’ve created a 32-page E-Book full of our collective knowledge on LinkedIn. What works best and what strategies will get you more leads from LinkedIn. 

Want a copy? 

Click here:  

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