2023 06 06 – How well do you DELIVER?

Last week we talked about Sales – which is about getting clients onboard.  That immediately means it’s time to switch to DELIVERY.   And I’m wondering how well you are managing your (new) clients’ expectations.

Do they know what’s happening next?  what to expect?  when?

If you want to keep your clients so you’re not on ‘revolving door’ recruitment then this is worth taking a look at in your business.

You may know what’s happening next but if they don’t they may think you don’t!


There are a few things you can do to get this area working well for you – let me share a few so you can see what resonates with you.  In no particular order:

  • Do you have a consistent WELCOME process for new clients?
  • Does it welcome them and remind them of the reasons they are working with you – the benefits they will get?
  • Does it explain what happens next?
  • Is there a clear/regular communication strategy that you share with them?
  • Ask yourself how well you are managing their expectations.

I love that Andy uses a simple ‘Find (your ideal client); Connect (with them in the right way); and Engage (with them to build a mutually profitable relationship’) mantra.

3 simple stages.  If you care, let them know before they assume you don’t.

Next Steps:

  1. Follow me – Mary –  on LinkedIn.  Each week I share ONE SIMPLE RESOURCE you can implement to improve your life and business.  https://www.linkedin.com/in/marycollin1/ 
  2. Identify what you can do to build trust and confidence in your client – how will you nurture the ‘Connect’ part of the equation.  Think about your client’s journey.  Would it inspire you?


There’s an interesting case study that shows the importance of familiarity:

Years ago, ESPN and CNN made a change to their strategy:

  • they ditched all the shows that were “too different”
  • they styled their anchors and hosts in a similar way
  • they branded all shows with similar designs and colours

What happened?

The views of both channels skyrocketed. 


Because their audience knew what to expect when they turned their TV on. 

There were no huge surprises. It was always the same experience they were already familiar with. 

And the same principle applies to your content on LinkedIn. 

Here’s an example of someone who does it really well:

All of Joost’s posts look pretty similar.

You can see another example here, and another one here. 

Even his LinkedIn banner has the same look and feel. 

And what that gives him is familiarity

When people are scrolling through the feed, they will instantly recognize one of his posts even without looking at his name. 

And this doesn’t have to be so complicated. 

His posts are pretty simple; he just sticks to the same colours and fonts over and over again. 

My point is, how are you making your audience more familiar with you?


EG:  One of our most difficult things when it comes to posting regularly on LinkedIn is coming up with consistent ideas for content and what content works best for your business. 

We’ve created a 32-page E-Book full of our collective knowledge on LinkedIn. What works best and what strategies will get you more leads from LinkedIn. 

Want a copy? 

Click here: www.resources.90dayplanning.co.uk/Content-Secrets  

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