2023 05 19 – Your Marketing


Another week and lots more conversations about marketing – and no wonder as it underpins everything we do.  if we’re not telling we’re not selling.  If we’re not connecting we’re not selling.  But there are just TWO WORDS I want us to focus on today – CLARITY & CONSISTENCY.

Let’s keep today’s really short and simple because I see too many failures in marketing, resulting in poor or undesirable results.  Let me explain.


If you’re not clear on WHO your audience is and WHERE to find them it’s like going to the NEC in Birmingham but not knowing which hall/area to go to to see the concert you want.  Same result – wandering around for ages, ‘shouting in the dark’ and not knowing where to go to get the result you want.  Doing ‘something rather than nothing’ is very tiring and ‘working hard in the wrong room’ or environment is demoralising as well as tiring.

And even after all that effort if you’re not showing up consistently then you’ll quickly be forgotten, overlooked or ‘pipped at the post’ by someone else who’s better at showing up to fix your audience’s problems.

Of course, it can be much easier than living like this . . . stick with me.


CLARITY – when you are crystal clear on WHO you serve and WHERE you can find them in the highest concentration, your life gets so much easier.  Now you can focus on the 20% of work that gets you 80% of your results.   

Having CLARITY over WHAT YOU DO/HOW YOU HELP them means you can craft better communications – whether that’s email, social media, regular updates/marketing, phone calls, meetings, everything.  Your messages get clearer and more specific so you ‘speak’ to the right people and attract them.  (We’ll pick up on this in next week’s ‘Sales’ message).

CONSISTENCY – this is about managing your audience’s expectations.  

Are you showing up once a week, twice a week, more often?  Do you have a rhythm they can understand and follow?  Without this you can get lost in the noise of communications – especially on social media.

For example, I help business owners accelerate their results every 90days by sharing content, resources and guidance that works and saves them stress, time, energy and money.  I share various aspects of that message (in specific areas) by showing up weekly with this ‘Business Bitesemail and daily at noon on LinkedIn.  On there I share ONE free lead magnet or system, each week.  Each day I cover what it could mean to you, why it works, what others say about it, how to get it and a quick walk through of how it works.  

That simple basis forms my consistent 6 x week marketing plan that rinses and repeats.

It doesn’t have to be complicated but having a system like this means you revisit and make constant improvements.

Next Steps:

  1. Follow me – Mary –  on LinkedIn.  Each week I share ONE SIMPLE RESOURCE you can implement to improve your life and business.  https://www.linkedin.com/in/marycollin1/ 
  2. Review your own CLARITY of WHO you serve and WHERE you can find them.
  3. Consider how you can improve the CLARITY of your messaging showing how you help them.
  4. What’s your calendar looking like for CONSISTENTLY marketing what you do and showing up?

Need more help/support?  Join our FREE facebook group – link in intro – or join us on the next free events – see the What’s On section below.

Let’s take a look at this post:

Now, why did I choose this post for today’s email?

Because it’s relatable. 

By telling a simple story that we can all relate to, Dominik grabs our attention and successfully communicates his point. 

Imagine he had posted this without the section I outlined in red. 

It wouldn’t have been as strong a post as the one he did share. 

So, what’s the takeaway for you?

Whenever you can, add personal stories & examples that support the ideas you’re trying to share. 

When you share things that are happening to you it will make your content more relatable.


EG:  One of the most difficult things when it comes to posting regularly on LinkedIn is coming up with consistent ideas for content and what content works best for your business. 

That’s why we’ve created a 32-page E-Book full of our collective knowledge on LinkedIn. What works best and what strategies will get you more leads from LinkedIn. 

Want a copy? 

Click here: www.resources.90dayplanning.co.uk/Content-Secrets  

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