2023 04 07 – Happy Easter & Enjoy Life!


Last week I asked you to give yourself a score on BALANCE between work, rest and play for Quarter 1.

I hope you got some great ideas from that and it helped you to focus on making some simple changes to make sure you incorporate fun and ‘life’ into your weeks.

Today it’s EASTER BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND so as we head into a 4 day weekend I’m just going to encourage you to manage your diary/calendar/agenda – whatever you call yours – to make sure that you ARE including work, rest and play.

Every week.  Not just on a bank holiday!

I see too many business owners with a calendar full of work-related tasks and nothing about their partners, families, friends.  The personal stuff is often seen as a distraction or an add on.

But . . . when you think back . . . how many of the people closest to you have been there through thick and thin?  Through all kinds of variations of work, jobs, businesses, and as you’ve changed track over the years.

Don’t let your most important people be an ‘afterthought’.


I talked last week about ‘FIXING THINGS BEFORE THEY GO WRONG’ and it reminded me of the old (very old) joke about:

Person 1:  ‘When’s the best time to tell your wife you love her?

Person 2:  ‘I don’t know . . . when?’

Person 1:  ‘Before someone else does!’

Funny but true.

Also there’s the other joke about the woman who says to her husband ‘you never tell me you love me’‘I don’t feel valued’.

And he answers – ‘I told you when we got married’

She responds – ‘that was 20 years ago’.

His reply – ‘I’ll let you know if it changes’.

These ‘jokes’ hold many hidden truths (I find a joke is a great way to get a very important or serious message across . . . just watch comedians.  They’ve raised the important issues over hundreds of years.  Court Jesters could always mock the King.  The Wise Fool.


Think about what this means to you and as you go into the long weekend.  Have fun and laugh and really ENGAGE with your inner circle.  Think about how you can make them feel valued – they are your HOME TEAM.

And get them properly on your radar and in your weekly plan for Quarter 2 . . . it’s started!

If your time/task management needs a brush up – we’ll be covering this in a couple of weeks.  Does yours need a freshen up to include more Personal time/time out and fun?  Stay close, we can help with that.

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