2023 01 20 – How Clear is Your Vision for Q1?


Bad news in the press – more businesses failing, closing down or struggling.  We’re being shown a lot of bad news in the press and I hate it when people end up at the ‘effect’ of bad news instead of ‘at cause’ about what THEY ARE DOING to move their business forward.

Did you see this article from the Independent?  

“More & More Businesses Are Throwing In The Towel”


It doesn’t have to be like that.  Whilst a number of businesses feel hopeless, helpless, lost and confused, others are actively taking steps to grasp the reins and lead their business forward.

And often it starts with VISION.

Some people tell me they struggle to get motivated, the struggle to know what to do next and they’re overwhelmed.

But . . . when you have a clear vision of what you’re working towards it’s so much easier to start your day strongly and get focussed on the next 3 things to do to make your vision a reality.

My tip for today is for you to CREATE A CLEAR VISION for the first 90 days of the year.

That’s it . . . keep it simple.  I’ve seen all kinds of complex and long-term plans and while they’re great, focus right now on what you/your business needs in January, February and March.

Success works best ‘a step at a time a day/week/month’ at a time.  Choose your frequency.  You can even focus hourly if that helps!  (‘So you lost/wasted an hour/day?  Just get back on track NOW!’)


Our Stairway to Heaven will help you create your vision for Quarter 1.  

Are you using it already or do you want to get a copy and start now?  

It’s one page, it’s a visual of the key actions (bullet points/reminders) of the steps to take to make sure you achieve your goals for this 90day period.   

We do this inside the 90dayaccelerator membership and I see people get better results every quarter.  Why?  Because it’s simple.  Because it’s fun.  Because it’s do-able.

You can get a lot done in 90 days, then start again and ‘rinse and repeat’ the process in the next 90days, and the next, and the next.

Remember – if you’re already in our 90dayplanning free group on facebook (link in intro) you’ll get reminders and support each week.  

I can do it with you – free or paid – but I can’t do it for you.

Today we look at Box 1 of our 9 Box Business Success Model.  Box 1 – your Vision, Mission, Values and Goals.  Start by getting your vision clearer and the steps to achieve it by the end of March.


I always like LinkedIn content that comes from my own experience. 

Because it gives you so much credibility and helps you establish yourself as an expert in your field. 

And it doesn’t have to be a complicated post. 

Something as simple as this post right here will work:

Do you see how Jasmin is simply sharing about work he did with one of his clients?

You could do the same. 

All you need is a past experience to share. 


One of the hardest parts of content for so many is being consistent. Creating a plan and sticking to it is one the hardest but also one of the most rewarding things when it comes to your communications and your results. 

We’ve made it easier for you to Create Content For Each business day of the year and never say “I didn’t know what to post” again!

Resource: communicate to your audience again…

Get your copy of the LinkedIn Content Calendar here and communicate consistently with your audience:   https://resources.90dayplanning.co.uk/content-calendar

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